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--------> Sưu Tầm và Chia Sẻ Mọi Thứ

What I Ate Wednesday

Welcome to What I Ate Wednesday!  (And a little bit of what Emilia ate too!)  Here's what I ate today.  

I had a bowl of Flahavan's Organic Quick Oats with almond milk, 1/2 banana, cinnamon and a cup of black coffee.  After reading how many ingredients were in the Alpen ones I decided to change to these, which are actually a lot heartier and only contain one ingredient so they're much better for you - yay!  For Emilia's breakfast she had this Organix Wholegrain Fruity Apple Cereal which I mashed up some stewed pear into - here's what it looked like!

She actually really enjoyed it!  She is getting a lot better at eating solids, especially breakfast.  I think that's her favourite meal of the day - just like her mama ;)  We are breakfast buddies!

...If you can even call it that, ha ha!  We were very naughty and went to McDonald's for a quick caffeine boost!  We had a lot on this morning with the groomer's, doctor's etc. so didn't get a chance to eat lunch.  This made up for it ;)  I got my guilty pleasure of the moment - an iced caramel frappé...Jonathan was a good boy with his smoothie, ha ha ha!

In an effort to try and make up for my unhealthy indulgence I had an organic apple & natural low-fat yoghurt for my afternoon snack when we finally got home!  Emilia had a mini pot of the Glenisk organic baby fromage frais - she really likes these!  She eats about half a pot which is good going for her!

I had the King Prawn Red Thai Curry from City Kitchen - a very easy yet healthy quick solution to dinner when you've forgotten to take anything out of the freezer...ahem!  

The best way to end a cold day - a hot mocha (courtesy of Nescafè) and a few Cadbury's Rich Tea biscuits.  I was going to devour my Lindt bunny but I decided to save it for another day ;)

I hope you enjoyed my menu!  What did you eat today?


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